Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Celebrate and be Grate...ful

Thanksgiving is almost here and boy oh boy am I thankful for a kazillion things. The list is long. I keep a little book called "my thankful book" where I write all of these kazillion things down on a daily basis but I just wanted to acknowledge it here.
I'm also thankful that we're going over to the Orme's house for T-day dinner. I'm finally at the point where I don't feel like a total sinner for not cooking on the big day. No doubt Sal will cook up one of the turkey's in the fridge just for turkey tacos. His form of leftovers are to cook an entire bird and eat it!
Meanwhile I'll be making more of these glass blocks (not Betty Tags I know, but I love them just the same). There will be about 30 of them at the NBC the day after Thanksgiving so if you really really like them...come and buy one! That way I can afford more turkey tacos!

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